This question constantly striking in the mind of students. Which is better. Hotel management course should do from India or from Abroad. Which one is more beneficial.
An answer is directly hidden in this question. Pet chicken is like a lentil. Yes, it is absolutely right that you shoot any number of arrows in your country … but only the outsider or foreigner gets importance.
In such a situation, there is no need to get involved with this question. There is an advantage in doing the course of hotel management from outside and it has many benefits.
Advantages of Studying Hotel Management
Let me first count the benefits.
You get exposure to the world by doing a course in hotel management from abroad. You get to know the world better. Your understanding of the world matures. You start seeing the world as a great opportunity.
By managing hotel from abroad, you get to know the cultures, food, traditions, language, dialects of many countries. You get to know what the food and drink of the respective country has to do with the culture and dialect there. Also, you make people aware of the culture and food and dialect of your country. This increases your experience many times.
By managing hotel from abroad, your contacts become world-class. Students of many countries study in the institute where you work. Takes training When these students return to their country or work in another country, your chances of getting a job increases greatly due to contact with you. Because your network of contacts becomes worldwide. Apart from this, during the training you come in contact with foreign guests in the Seven Star Hotels. They also play an important role in the growth of your career.
By doing hotel management from abroad, there is a qualitative increase in your career. Because your contacts around the world increase your chances of getting a good new job. Your salary increases from one job to another and from third to third job and your chances of getting a fourth increase. Which is not possible by staying in the country.
After completing the course of hotel management from abroad, our hesitation to stay confined at home goes away. We also get rid of the problem of being surrounded by despair while staying away from loved ones. When home sickness goes away, we make a qualitative increase in our career.
Forget good money in your country. After taking a course of hotel management in India, the first salary is between 10 and 15 thousand. And this can be from 40 thousand to one lakh if you manage hotels from abroad. In your country, when you move from first job to another job, the growth in salary is 10 to 15% but abroad it can be 50 to 100% or even more.
By taking a course in hotel management from abroad, your contacts become world class. This increases the chances of getting a new job many times. When it is written in your resume that you are from another country living. The course is done by going to another country. The training is done in a fantastic 5 to 7 star hotel, so the jobbers immediately hire you with a good salary.
Some Tips for Students Planning to Become a Successful Hotel Manager
This only happens. Returning from abroad is special. You do the course of hotel management from outside. Spend five to seven years working abroad in many countries. Then you return to India with good salary and money. See, how welcome it is. A line of jobs will be set up so different, good package is also available.
Therefore, in my advice, there are many advantages of taking hotel management course from abroad instead of India. The Udaipur-based Udaipur Institute of Hotel Management provides Diploma and degree course in hotel management from Pathumthani University in Thailand. Hotel management from abroad is the best, excellent and reliable institute.
Udaipur-based Udaipur Institute of Hotel Management not only provides 100% job placement. Rather, during training, it gives a stipend of 15 to 20 thousand rupees every month.